Parental Responsibility

Parental Responsibility

What is parental responsibility? It focuses on parents’ legal duty to children as well as the powers to make decisions relating to them. This could be day-to-day decisions, such as which extracurricular activities they are involved with, or decisions as critical as...
Filing Taxes After Divorce

Filing Taxes After Divorce

Divorce can be a complicated process, especially when it comes to taxes. Divorce can have significant tax implications, especially when it comes to equitable distribution and child dependency/tax exemption. For couples going through a divorce, understanding how to...
Guardianship and Custody Differences

Guardianship and Custody Differences

We’ve all heard there’s more than one way to be a parent, but this observation is especially accurate when it comes to legal terminology. Two examples are child custody and legal guardianship. While both terms have similar definitions and the responsibilities that...
Text Messages Being Used in Court

Text Messages Being Used in Court

Often, a picture or a text is worth a thousand words. That maxim holds true in court and can be used as evidence. However, there are certain conditions that need to be met first. Conditions for Using Text Messages in Court The conditions for using text messages in...
Guardianship and Custody Differences

Divorce and Retirement

Divorce can be a complicated and emotionally charged process, and when retirement accounts are involved, it can become even more complex. Retirement accounts are often among the most significant assets that a couple has accumulated over the years. Here’s what you need...

Parental Responsibility

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